Acids, caustics, and bears, O My! OK, these gloves may not protect against bears, but they are Nirtrile reinforced for strength and chemical resistance to acids and caustics.
Premium PVC Green are specially formulated to hold up in petrochemical applications. This glove features a premium double dipped sandy finish PVC, jersey lining, nitrile reinforced, and 14" length...
Quantity 1-4: $59 per dozen
Quantity 5-9: $54 per dozen
Quantity 10+: $49 per dozen
Acids, caustics, and bears, O My! OK, these gloves may not protect against bears, but they are Nirtrile reinforced for strength and chemical resistance to acids and caustics.
Red Sandy...
Quantity 1-4: $61 per dozen
Quantity 5-9: $57 per dozen
Quantity 10+: $54 per dozen
Acids, caustics, and bears, O My! OK, these gloves may not protect against bears, but they are Nitrile reinforced for strength and chemical resistance to acids and caustics.
Red Sandy...
Quantity 1-4: $42 per dozen
Quantity 5-9: $40 per dozen
Quantity 10+: $38 per dozen
Premium PVC Green are specially formulated to hold up in petrochemical applications. This glove features a premium double dipped sandy finish PVC, jersey lining, and reinforced with nitrile...
Quantity 1-4: $50 per dozen
Quantity 5-9: $47 per dozen
Quantity 10+: $44 per dozen
Premium PVC Green are specially formulated to hold up in petrochemical applications. This glove features a premium double dipped sandy finish PVC, jersey lining, nitrile reinforced, and 18" length...
Quantity 1-4: $74 per dozen
Quantity 5-9: $70 per dozen
Quantity 10+: $66 per dozen