IvyX Pre-Contact Solution protects against many common irritants, including detergents, pollen, air pollution (smog), foliage, grasses, and poisonous plants (poison oak, ivy, and sumac) before contact.
IvyX PreContact Spray, 4 oz. Pump
Precontact barrier.
4 ounces Bottle fits easily into first aid kits or cabinet.
IvyX Precontact creates an invisible barrier when applied to help protect skin from the poisonous plant oil Urushiol which is commonly found in Poison Ivy
IvyX Pre-Contact creates an invisible barrier when applied to help protect skin from the poisonous plant oil: Urushiol which is commonly found in Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac. IvyX...
IvyX Pre-Contact creates an invisible barrier when applied to help protect skin from the poisonous plant oil: Urushiol which is commonly found in Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac. IvyX...
Ivy X Post Contact Solution provides professional skin protection from poison oak, ivy, or sumac. Apply after contact with poison oak, ivy, or sumac to remove the sticky urushiol oils of poisonous...
Ivy X Post Contact Solution provides professional skin protection from poison oak, ivy, or sumac. Apply after contact with poison oak, ivy, or sumac to remove the sticky urushiol oils of poisonous...
Repellent contains 7% DEET formula and effectively keeps bugs away. Repels mosquitoes, chiggers, biting flies, ticks and gnats. Effective for up to two hours. Specially formulated with a lower level...