Auto Shipments 
If you find yourself ordering the same product month after month, why not put you’re purchasing on auto-pilot and let us handle it? We have developed an auto-ship program which will enable you, the customer, to schedule when your products are shipped on a reoccurring basis. Auto ship locks in the current price and provides access to bigger discounts than offered throughout the site. Whether the purchasing agent is out or something slips through the cracks, auto shipment ensures you won’t run out of supplies.
You can cancel the auto-shipment program at any time. You will not have to sign any contract or commit to any length of time for these orders. Additionally, if you find yourself overstocked, just let us know and we can push back the dates of shipping you product.
An order confirmation email will be sent informing you that we just entered your order. The email will contain information as to what you ordered as well as the shipping address. If you want to cancel or add to your auto ship order, just contact us, as orders typically ship 2-5 business days after they are entered into our system.
All Y-pers products are available on auto-ship, even the ones not currently listed on our site.
Contact us to start your auto ship program today!